

The SmartHabData system will automate the whole rodent husbandry process by using off the shelf components to monitor your cages. We use a camera and various sensors for each cage to collect a variety of information seamlessly.

All data is integrated into our custom built website where you can:

  • Live stream into each home cage
  • Check cage properties
  • Be notified when a homecage has an event or problem (like low water or dirty bedding)

Live Streaming

Live stream into each cage


Be notified when system detects anomalies


Store rodent, homecage and even colony information all from the web

Data Analysis

Get real-time stats and data analysis and setup your own metrics.


Know almost instantly when cages require attention


Expand husbandry capabilities by automating repetitive tasks


Have a complete record of video and sensor data of a cages entire life


Please find below a list of the supporting documents related to SmartHab. For any additional information you need or ad-hoc support, contact us.

Request a Quote

Please fill out the form below to get a quote. Our team will send back the best solution according to your needs and your budget.

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